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 Choose a childrens or adolescent author who has won a children's literature award. Create a flipped-classroom style presentation about the author, as well as two classroom activities that are related to the author's books. 




My partner presentation with Catherine on the author and illustrator Meadow Griffin went very smoothly. I felt that our presentation was successful because we gave sufficient detail in our flipped classroom presentation about her life, career, and books. Our colleagues responded well to the activity Catherine and I put together. We passed out half sheets of plain white paper and asked each person to create a concept for a fantasy story. The main point of this activity was challenge them to let their imaginations soar while helping them understand the components of a fantasy story. The discussion prior to that helped get the class thinking about the importance of fantasy books and some characteristics. The activity that we decided on did not call for the use of technology, however we could have adapted it do include technology. All groups prior to us had used the same Show Me drawing app on the ipad, and we wanted to do something different for the class to hold their attention while being fun. 

If I could change one thing about our project it would be to have better access to Meadow’s books. Her books were very difficult to find, and were mostly on sold in the UK. Additionally, they were very lengthy and there was three. I would have liked to read all three novels before presenting on Meadow Griffin, however that was unrealistic. Another thing I would do is spend more time researching other technology apps that way my partner and I could have created a second activity.

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