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Daisy’s Philosophy

Envisioning yourself as a teacher is very important when wanting to become an educator. Education has a big purpose in life and it start with young children. Young children have a harmless and pure mind and it’s an educators job to make that mind bright and open. Just like Malcom Forbes states “The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” A child should want to strive to learn more and make many achievements and accomplishments in life with the help of its educators. An educator should always have a kind and big heart to want to help all children equally and help more the ones in need.


Young children learn very different but overall they all love a positive and personal learning enviroment. Some children learn by getting told what to do and reapeting several times until learned. Other children find that boring and they need to have more interaction to be engaged in the learning experiene. I do believe all children love to learn by hands on experience and by observation. Its incredible to see how young children are amazed of the simplest things and that’s what makes these children special.


            A role of a teacher is very important. Yound children look up to their teachers most of the time as mentors and leaders. I do believe times have change and children used to look up to teachers more often than they do in this generation. As educators we need to be a childs model so children can one day know what they want to be or the kind of person they would want to act like. As educators we need to help  children see life from a different perspective to learn to be open minded.


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