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Dear Ms. Orlinsky,
    Thank you for being a teacher that has had a true impact on the lives of your students.  You taught many valuable things that your students have taken with them throughout their lives.  You provided a safe, fun, and diverse environment where students could freely express themselves, learn, and grow.  You worked with each of your students to focus in on their strengths and came up with inventive ways to work with their struggles and difficulties to help improve them.  You instilled a love of learning in your students and taught them to develop a growth mindset.  Your students learned to take on the challenges that came with learning new concepts and embraced them.  You were a positive role model for your students and provided them with love and encouragement.  You always made learning fun, provided hands-on activities, and incorporated the arts, as well as technology.  You focused on not only academics but social skills, life skills, teamwork, problem solving, and self-awareness to name a few.  You also made sure every student was represented in your classroom.  In your classroom students were not afraid to make mistakes, ask questions, or to be challenged; each student was accepted, respected for their uniqueness and encouraged.  You more than succeeded at helping to shape the lives of your students for the better.


Thank you for truly making a difference.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.