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[stanfordconnects.stanford.edu]. (2014, October 9). Carol Dweck, "Developing a Growth Mindset". [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/hiiEeMN7vbQ.

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ClipArtDude [Online image]. Retrieved May 15, 2017 from



Personal Goals:  As a teacher I would love nothing more than to be a positive influence in the lives of my students.  I truly desire to help mold my students into caring, open minded members of society that see the value in education and instill in them a lifelong love of learning.  I value education deeply and know that it is the key to a bright future for all.  As Walt Disney said, “Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children.”   It is my greatest goal to make a difference in the lives of the students I come into contact with.


Goals for Students:  I want to see growth in my students.  I want my students to develop a love for learning and education.  I want each of my students to have a growth mindset, to try their best, and to never give up.  I want my students to have confidence in themselves and be able to use communication and cooperation skills effectively.  I want my students to come to school each day prepared with a positive attitude.  I want my students to demonstrate respect for themselves, their classmates, teachers, school property, and the world around them.  I want my students to be responsible and conscientious members of the community.  I want my students to demonstrate creativity and curiosity.  I want every student to be an active member of our class and for all of us to have fun everyday we're together!


Desired Learning Outcomes:  Students should have a good understanding of the subjects and concepts taught.  Students should demonstrate critical thinking and an understanding of content, as well as be able to apply this knowledge to problems in and out of the classroom.  Students should also show significant growth in social skills, life skills, problem solving, and self-awareness.


Diversity and Social Injustice:  Diversity teaches students understanding and tolerance.  Diversity also teaches students how to work and interact with people who are different, an issue they will be faced with for a lifetime.  Diversity is important in the classroom because students can teach each other about their cultures and differences.  Being a part of a diverse classroom that works well together helps make all students better rounded citizens of society.  As a teacher I will take all my students differences into account and create engaging lessons that use art, music, and storytelling in order to teach and celebrate those differences.  I would also teach my students about the social injustice that occurs in the world.  In a diverse classroom, students will be able to explore more of their creativity and express themselves.  A diverse environment makes learning a more enjoyable experience and broadens students outlook on life and the world.


Technology:  There is most certainly a technological shift that is happening today.  These are different times from when the current educational system was designed.  Children starting at an incredibly young age are immersed into a technological filled world and interacting in it.  Children are familiar and know how to use technology; and, they expect to use it.  I definitely plan to incorporate the use of technology in the classroom. I will encourage students to use the internet for educational information and resources.  I will also allow students to play different interactive educational games that use technology.  I would love to have a Smart Board to teach lessons on and have my students be able to interact with.  I am also excited to implement QR codes in my classroom.  I am incredibly inspired and excited for all the possibilities I can use technology to create a fun and up-to-date way of teaching.  Just this past summer, I went to the Teacher Technology Camp here at ULV taught by John and Linda Bartelt.  It was wonderful to learn all the different ways technology can be used to get kids exited about learning!  As the world grows in all of it’s advancements, so too, should our system of education.  It is imperative in this new and ever-changing world that our system for teaching children be redesigned and brought into the 21st century.

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