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I created my avatar on my phone using a free app called Bitmoji.  It was very easy to create my avatar and I really enjoyed it.  I like how much the app lets you customize your avatar.  There are a lot of different outfits and scenes to choose from.  I think the avatar I created reflects me very well.  I love baseball and my favorite team is the Dodgers.  I also love to sit down and relax with a good book.  I uploaded this avatar to my twitter account.  I think there are a lot of fun things students could do with their own avatars.  Students could create their own avatars and print them out to be used instead of name tags.  Students could also create an about me assignment which features their avatar.  Avatars could also be used for online journals or blogs.  I don’t think I would have students use the app I chose because there were some scenes that may be considered inappropriate.  However, there are a lot of other sites where you can create avatars.  I really thought the Build Your Wild Self website looked like a lot of fun, and I think students would find it fun to create an avatar using different animal parts, perhaps after learning about different animals.

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